
Welcome to the website for the Best Practices in Accent Training for Indigenous Actors project.

The goal of this 2-year project is to collaboratively identify the speech resource needs of the Indigenous Theatre community in Canada. Many accent training resources have been designed for mainstream culture student/artists. We hope to use our skills to serve the Indigenous community through the research, creation and dissemination of new accent resources and materials that support Indigenous performance and storytelling. The final phase of our project will see us facilitating workshops for interested performers and performers-in-training in the use of these resources. 
We’ll be reaching out to Indigenous artists in the coming weeks, as we prepare for our first Focus Groups to discuss what the community feels is needed and missing in this important area of research. 
We hope you’ll join us on our Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/indigen.accents/,  and follow us on Twitter: we’re @indigen_accents. You can email us directly via indigen.accents@gmail.com.